
Dominican Republic {Days 6 & 7}

To be honest, after so many days in a foreign country, we were ready to head home.
Day 6 was just as slow-paced & relaxing as the previous 5 days, but at the end of the day we spent time saying goodbye to the beach.

After a long goodbye, we headed to the buffet. It was Mexican night & by far our favorite. This was the most unhealthy we ate all week & we enjoyed every savory bite of it! Fried potatoes with melted cheddar, quesadillas, spanish rice, chips & homemade salsas with guacamole... YUM!

After gorging for what seemed like hours, we waddled back to the room & crashed hard.
In the morning we rolled out of bed at 6 am in order to eat breakfast & enjoy the morning at the resort before catching our plane.
When we did get to the airport, we endulged in one of my favorite American foods... hotdogs by Nathan's!

J & I both loved our trip as we got to spent more time together than we had in almost a year. I was able to have his undivided attention & he had mine. It was really great to celebrate our anniversary without any distractions.
But it sure feels nice to be home!

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