
7 Day Workout Routine

As I'm preparing for a trip to paradise, I realize my workout needs to be taken up a notch. After getting married (only a year ago), I've gained close to 20 pounds. Most of which was gained on the honeymoon. I began my running routine this year, which you can read about here. I've lost a few pounds, but mostly I can see my body getting trimmer. As of today I'm just shy of 220 miles.

I came across a 7 day workout routine, which apparently was originally from here. Although I was unable to find the diagram I was looking for, this girl has REALLY done her homework. Her site is loaded with advice, routines & everything else fitness related. While taking a look at the list of activities below, if you don't know what something is, the best thing to do is youtube it. It's waaaay easier to see it than to have me try to explain it!

45 jumping jacks
15 squats
5 jump squats
50 Russian twists
30 seconds plank
10 standing calf raises
5 kneeling push ups
30 seconds Superman
10 lunges (each leg)
40 crunches

100 jumping jacks
50 crunches
20 tricep dips
15 squats
20 lunges (each leg)
70 Russian twists
20 standing calf raises
5 push-ups
30 second plank
10 lunge split jumps

80 jumping jacks
50 vertical leg crunches
20 sit-ups
15 tricep dips
20 squats
10 side lunges (each leg)
15 leg lifts (each leg)
50 bicycles
15 wall push-ups
40 Russian twists

90 jumping jacks
20 tricep dips
10 sit-ups
30 bird dogs
30 seconds plank
30 squats
15 incline push ups
40 crunches
10 oblique crunches (each side)
20 standing calf raises

100 jumping jacks
25 vertical leg crunches
30 crunches
20 squats
20 wall push-ups
50 Russian twists
15 seconds side plank (each side)
10 lunge split jumps
5 jump squats
40 high knees

60 jumping jacks
40 crunches
10 sit-ups
10 tricep dips
20 side lunges (each side)
15 incline push-ups
10 oblique crunches (each side)
30 butt kickers
5 jump squats
15 jack knife sit-ups

50 jumping jacks
20 squats
100 Russian twists
5 kneeling push-ups
1 minute downward dog
15 jack knife sit-ups
10 lunges (each leg)
10 side lunges (each side)
20 bird-dogs
20 inner thigh lifts (each leg)

Be sure to check out this website for tons of workout ideas! Also, please share workouts or different tips that have helped you lose weight! All of the pictures are from Pinterest. I use them as motivation to stay strong & eat right, hopefully they help you too!

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